Monday 23 March 2009

How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted the audience that watched our film by inviting friends in our year group and anyone else who might be interested, by word of mouth. The audience were all aged between 15 - 24. In the questionnaire we conducted before shooting the film, half of the people who filled it in, were in the 15 – 24 age group. During the showing of our film we gave out another twenty questionnaires. From the questionnaires we received back, there was mostly positive feedback. We have changed the few things that people weren't happy with.

The audience said that our film was hard to understand in parts, but they thought it was good that all the characters were the same age as the audience watching it. They thought this was appropriate because they could relate to this film through their own personal experiences, some of them rather similar.

The people to whom we gave the questionnaires after the shooting of the film were not just friends, but other students in our year group. This meant that the questionnaire wasn’t biased, as our friends would write positive feedback about the film.

We would hope!

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